Don't take my fish
Don't take my fish
Baby Monkey
Baby Monkey
Sea Lion
Sea Lion
Blue Owl
Blue Owl
Town Gobbler
Town Gobbler
Peregrine Falcon
Peregrine Falcon
Why the long face?
Why the long face?
Good Boy's Sit
Good Boy's Sit
Pale Horse
Pale Horse
Drummer for the Monkees
Drummer for the Monkees
Plush Crested Jay
Plush Crested Jay
I need help!
I need help!
Little Bird
Little Bird
Dusty Corral
Dusty Corral
Fighting Eagles
Fighting Eagles
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
Big Al
Big Al
Two Dogs
Two Dogs
Hungarian Grey
Hungarian Grey
Scarlet Macaw
Scarlet Macaw
Cat on the Prowl
Cat on the Prowl
Don't take my fish
Don't take my fishCat and its dinner on the floor of a Moroccan market.
Baby Monkey
Baby MonkeyBaby monkey being gently pet while grasping on to my friends shirt. Manu National Park, Peru
Sea Lion
Sea LionSea Lion pops up out of the water in Astoria, Oregon.
Blue Owl
Blue OwlPortrait of an owl that I colored blue and added yellow eyes as part of an art project involving birds.
Town Gobbler
Town GobblerTurkey wandering around the historical city of Louisbourg, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Peregrine Falcon
Peregrine FalconPortrait of a Peregrine Falcon and colored for an art series of birds.
Why the long face?
Why the long face?Portrait of a pale horse from Bakers City, Oregon
Good Boy's Sit
Good Boy's SitRanch dog sits with blue skies on the range. Bakers City, Oregon
Pale Horse
Pale HorsePale horse with the sun dipping beneath the horizon in the distance. Bakers City, Oregon
Drummer for the Monkees
Drummer for the MonkeesSmall monkey from the Phoenix Zoo with two sticks, presumably the next thing they did was find a drum kit.
Plush Crested Jay
Plush Crested JayThe beautiful and sassy Plush Crested Jay, from Iguazu Falls in Argentina.
I need help!
I need help!Please help me identify this animal. Please drop me a message if you know what this is. I photographed them at the Bronx Zoo.
Little Bird
Little BirdLittle bird, finch, feasting on breadcrumbs on the floor of a restaurant in Florence, Italy.
PelicanYou either pelican, or pelican’t. This pelican sits on whatever rock they want. Photographed near Key Largo, Florida.
BloodhoundsTwo bloodhounds in the Cinque Terre region of Italy.
Dusty Corral
Dusty Corral Cattle in a dusty corral outside Bakers City, Oregon.
Fighting Eagles
Fighting EaglesOne eagle snaps at another at the Salt Lake City Aviary.
LlamaLlama with amazing windswept hair. Bakers City, Oregon
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and JulietTwo cats, both alike in dignity, In fair Switzerland, where we lay our scene…
Big Al
Big AlNamed for the turtle in Beverly Hills Cop 2, this snapping turtle is a resident at Get Inda Farmings farm in Monroe, Wisconsin.
Two Dogs
Two DogsTwo dogs watch below the fence line in Miquelon, a French territory off the coast of Newfoundland.
PenguinMagellanic penguin on Isla Magdalena, a short boat ride from Punta Arenas in Chile.
Hungarian Grey
Hungarian GreyThe beautiful Hungarian Grey also known as Hungarian Steppe Cattle.
Scarlet Macaw
Scarlet MacawScarlet Macaw from the Amazon rainforest outside Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
VanessaVanessa was a pregnant tapir hanging out around the camp in Manu National Park, Peru
SwanClose up of a swan outside of Berlin, Germany.
PigBig pig hanging out in their sty. Croatia
Cat on the Prowl
Cat on the ProwlThis curious cat came out of the brush in Seaside, Florida
BullyBig bullfrog from the Bronx Zoo
FlamingoOne of the famed marching flamingos in Nassau, Bahamas
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