Valle de la Luna
Valle de la Luna
Sunset Over Sand Dunes
Sunset Over Sand Dunes
Signal Hill
Signal Hill
Shelter in the Sahara
Shelter in the Sahara
Garden of the Gods
Garden of the Gods
Back to the Ship
Back to the Ship
Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu
Key West Sunset
Key West Sunset
Little House on the Mountain
Little House on the Mountain
Cape Disappointment Serenity
Cape Disappointment Serenity
Cape Disappointment Violence
Cape Disappointment Violence
Muir Beach
Muir Beach
Susten Pass
Susten Pass
The Elephant
The Elephant
Blue and Greenery
Blue and Greenery
No Trespassing
No Trespassing
Half Dome
Half Dome
Sahara Sprawl
Sahara Sprawl
Cape Spear
Cape Spear
Erg Chebbi
Erg Chebbi
Tren a Las Nubes
Tren a Las Nubes
Solo Peak
Solo Peak
Mount Saint Helens
Mount Saint Helens
Mustang in the Desert
Mustang in the Desert
Portland Head Light
Portland Head Light
Salar de Uyuni
Salar de Uyuni
Ocoee River
Ocoee River
Valle de la Luna
Valle de la LunaThe Valle de la Luna (Moon Valley) is in the Atacama Desert region of Chile.
Sunset Over Sand Dunes
Sunset Over Sand DunesWith a dune buggy in the distance righting the crest of a dune, the sun sets of the sand dunes outside Huacachina, Peru.
Signal Hill
Signal HillEntering the bay of St. John’s in Newfoundland, Canada passing a view of Signal Hill.
Shelter in the Sahara
Shelter in the SaharaDesert shelter in the Sahara Desert, Morocco.
ParkingParking lot in Yosemite National Park as viewed from Glacier Point.
IguazuIguazu Falls National Park on the border of Argentina and Brazil. This particular fall is a view of the Brazilian side from the Argentinian side.
Garden of the Gods
Garden of the GodsGarden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, CO.
Back to the Ship
Back to the ShipPassengers returning from a land excursion on the Stella Australis in Patagona.
TracksLeaving a trail in the sand dunes outside Huacachina, Peru.
Machu Picchu
Machu PicchuA long day of hiking on the Inca Trail allowed for this photo of Machu Picchu just after the park closed to visitors. We were the last to leave. Peru.
Key West Sunset
Key West SunsetTwo sail boats on either side of the setting sun off the shore of Key West, Florida.
Little House on the Mountain
Little House on the MountainThe view was along the Million Dollar Highway in Colorado.
Cape Disappointment Serenity
Cape Disappointment SerenityCape Disappointment in Washington Sate near the headwaters of the Columbia River.
Cape Disappointment Violence
Cape Disappointment ViolenceCape Disappointment in Washington Sate near the headwaters of the Columbia River.
Muir Beach
Muir BeachMuir Beach near Muir Woods National Monument outside San Fransisco, CA.
Susten Pass
Susten PassSusten Pass high in the mountains of Switzerland.
The Elephant
The ElephantThis rock formation, which to me resembles an elephant, is in Paint Mines Interpretive Park in Colorado.
Blue and Greenery
Blue and GreeneryHigh altitude lake with mountains in the background somewhere between Appenzell and Interlaken, Switzerland.
No Trespassing
No TrespassingNo trespassing at this small abandoned home outside Baker City, Oregon.
Half Dome
Half DomeYosemite National Park’s famous Half Dome viewed from Glacier Point.
Sahara Sprawl
Sahara SprawlDunes as far as the eye can see in the Sahara Desert, Morocco.
Cape Spear
Cape SpearCape Spear is the Easternmost point in North America and is found in Canada’s Newfoundland.
Erg Chebbi
Erg ChebbiErg Chebbi dunes are the highest dunes in Morocco, found in the east near Erfound.
Tren a Las Nubes
Tren a Las NubesTrain to the clouds in Salta, Argentina takes you through mountains and across dried river beds like this one. In the rainy season this pass would be full of water.
BeamsBeams of light come through the clouds and over the mountain on this lake in Switzerland.
Solo Peak
Solo PeakA solo mountain peak juts up from the sea in the Patagonia region on Chile.
Mount Saint Helens
Mount Saint HelensAfter Mount Saint Helens erupted May 18, 1980 the surrounding area was devastated and desolate. But as of 34 years later (photographed in 2014), life was coming back.
SteamSteam train in the morning light outside Baker City, Oregon
GullfossGullfoss (Golden Falls) Falls outside Reykjavik, Iceland.
Mustang in the Desert
Mustang in the DesertA sunset drive into Tucson, Arizona in a Mustang.
Portland Head Light
Portland Head LightPortland Head Light outside Portland, Maine.
Salar de Uyuni
Salar de UyuniSalar de Uyuni (Salt Flats) in Bolivia becomes a giant reflective mirror in the rainy season.
Ocoee River
Ocoee RiverThe Ocoee River in Tennessee in Winter.
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