It brings me great pleasure to welcome you to my newly designed website. I am really excited by the opportunity to share my work, and hopefully collaborate on your ideas as well. As you can probably guess, photography is really important to me. Reviewing old pictures always takes me back to the moment it was taken. Its like a steroid boost to my memory and helps me tap into all kinds of emotions that I felt. And that's one of those most powerful things about photography. It's a trigger that's linked straight to your guts and your heart.
So with that in mind, I offer to you a gallery that has never before been released. It's from early in my career and really marked one of my first "breaks". My friend Noah Ginex filmed a music video for the Barenaked Ladies. Noah asked me to grab stills of the process so that we'd have a record of events, and this is that record. In addition to these images, I was also called upon to puppeteer briefly. The whole shoot was such a memorable experience and these images take me back to that night. Below you'll find the video followed by the gallery of images.