Nathan doesn't believe in punching a dude in anything less than a three piece suit. That way you know you got beat down by a classy M.F. This came out of a photoshoot for the Doomed City Podcast.
Noah Ginex Puppet Company Presents: The Jameson Talk Show - Episode 1
Today is pretty exciting for me. I've been working for the past month with the Noah Ginex Puppet Company to produce episode 1 of The Jameson Talk Show. It's been a wild ride pulling all the footage and audio together and making this thing possible. I can't take too much credit though. Noah is the one who directed and cut everything together. I just followed his lead and helped where I could.
Episode 1 features Chicago Director Jen Ellison and musical guest JC Brooks and the Uptown Sound (they are playing Lollapalooza this year which is awesome!).
One Metric Ton
Like the strongmen of old, Theresa Laurenz lifts one metric ton with very little effort. Additional editing done by Alan Hawkins. Hair and Make up by Raquel Briette Madrid.