Camille Leon and the Red Flag

This was a shoot that came together in my mind a couple weeks ago. I'd seen Camille Leon perform this number at the Kiss Kiss Cabaret and I thought it would make for a very cool studio shot, and a great opportunity to break out the Lensbaby.

Camille Leon

Camille was wonderful. She nailed the attitude and spun that flag over and over again until we got the right look. More images from this set to come, but in the meantime here are some performance shots of the number.

Camille Leon performing at the Kiss Kiss Cabaret

Camille Leon performing at the Kiss Kiss Cabaret

City of Samba

I've been a big Keith Loutit fan for a long time. If you look back through my blog, I've posted links to a couple videos which I've always found really inspiring. Well Saturday night I was talking to my girlfriend and for whatever reason his name came up and I decided to check in and see what was new on his vimeo page. Turns out not a whole lot... because he's working on a multiple city project and posting to his personal page now. The project, titled "Small Worlds Project", looks amazing and I can't wait to see how it grows. It's really groundbreaking stuff and I encourage you to take a look.

Keith Loutit's Website
Keith Loutit's Vimeo (with older videos)

And below, check out his City of Samba which can also be viewed on his vimeo page.

We'll never be royals

Grandpa Elliot is as close to royalty as you'll find, playing harmonica on the street of kings.

New CD/DVD Playing for Change 3 available June 17. Watch the newest video for "Words of Wonder/Get Up Stand Up" featuring Keith Richards at - Grandpa Elliott has been playing on the streets of New Orleans since he was six years old and it is time for his music and passion to meet the masses.